Nelson Graffiti Wall
We are thrilled to support our community by providing a safe & welcoming space for local artists to express themselves, at Nelson’s first legal graffiti wall.
Check out the latest artwork below

Yes, we’re an environment centre…
So how and why did we end up with a graffiti wall in Nelson?? Keep reading…
How it started…
The idea to launch a graffiti wall was inspired initially as a contribution to the Tuku 23 Whakatū Nelson heritage festival. We hosted an event in April 2023, with live graffiti artists, a food truck, and a great DJ; the theme was “Live Without a Trace” - inspired by the impermanent art form of graffiti.
The ‘why’…
Every day, our actions make history. Today, we consume and our purchases live on in landfill. We want to encourage people to think carefully about how they consume - knowing that today’s purchased items will end up at our shop and eventually in landfill. Instead we can be inspired by graffiti art - designed to provoke and inspire, created by artists with the knowledge that it is destined to disappear, the slate wiped clean.
Opening Nelson’s first legal graffiti wall.
Tuku 23 Whakatū - Event (Apr ‘23)
We had such a fantastic time hosting this event, watching in awe at the talent of our local artists, enjoying the street party feels of a DJ & food truck to boot! Check out the gallery below to see photos of the event.
Huge thanks to Sid from
Wise Dog Studios for these awesome event photos!

Follow us on social to see the latest activity on the graffiti wall!